Hiring Preference for Military and Former Foster Child Applicants

Texas state law requires certain military members and former foster children to receive preference in hiring at state agencies. This section provides important information to ensure ACC’s full compliance with the code.

Under Texas Code Chapter 657, veterans can request preferred status in the application process. An individual who qualifies for a military employment preference is entitled to a preference in employment with a state agency over other applicants who do not have a greater qualification. 

This preference also applies to veterans’ surviving spouses who have not remarried and orphans of veterans who were killed on active duty.

Similarly, Texas Code Chapter 672 requires ACC and other state agencies to give employment preference to former foster youth over other applicants for the same position who do not have a greater qualification. For eligibility, the applicant must have been in the permanent managing conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services on the day preceding the individual’s 18th birthday, and if the individual is 25 years of age or younger.

Supervisors will receive an email containing additional details soon. 

Hiring Managers should review the videos below for step-by-step instructions for determining eligibility and incorporating preference into hiring practices.  For questions, email hrsupport@austincc.edu.

Click here to view the video for hiring involving Military Preference.

Click here to view the video for hiring involving Former Foster Children.

Military and Foster Child Job Aids can be reviewed here.

Hiring Preference FAQ for Hiring Managers

Does the law apply to all positions at ACC?

It applies to all full-time positions.

How will this affect the hiring process?

Eligible applicants who meet the minimum qualifications for a position will be shown preference during both the interview and hiring processes.


  • If the total number of applicants interviewed for a position is 6 or fewer, at least 1 of those applicants must be a qualified individual with Military preference
  • If the total number of applicants interviewed for a position is more than 6, then at least 20% of the total number of those applicants must be qualified for Veteran’s preference


  • If two applicants are finalists for a position, and both are equally qualified for the position in every way except that one is eligible for Veteran’s preference and the other is not, then the applicant eligible for Veteran’s preference will be selected for hire.

What if no Veterans apply for the position? Do I have to repost it?

No. If there are no Veterans in the applicant pool, you will select the best-qualified candidate, as usual.

How do I know if the applicant is truly eligible for Veteran status?

Applicants will indicate their desire to be classified as a Veteran when they submit an application for employment at ACC. Those who request military status will be asked to provide documents to Human Resources substantiating the claim. HR will then forward the application to the hiring manager with a notation that military status has been confirmed or denied.

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