Leave Programs

In recognition of its employees’ contributions and the college’s interest in the welfare of each employee, ACC provides leave benefits to give employees a change from their work routine and/or address personal or family concerns. Various paid and unpaid leave opportunities are part of the college’s benefit package.

ACC provides the following benefits for all staff positions:          

Accrued Leave

View ACC’s accrued leave policy.

Non-accrued Paid Leave

View ACC’s policy for non-accrued paid leave.

  • Administrative Leave
  • Bereavement Leave
  • Disability Leave Without Pay
  • Jury Duty/Court Subpoena Leave
  • Military Leave
  • Parental Leave
  • Personal Leave
  • Professional Development Leave
  • Sabbatical
  • Sick Leave Pool
  • Volunteer Fire Fighter’s & Emergency Medical Services Volunteers Emergency Leave
  • Voting Leave
  • Non-Accrued Leave Guidelines & Procedures

Leave Without Pay

View ACC’s leave without pay policy.

  • Educational Leave Without Pay
  • Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Leave Without Pay
  • Military Leave Without Pay
  • Workers’ Compensation Disability Leave Without Pay
  • Leave Without Pay Guidelines & Procedures

The use of all leave is subject to the conditions set forth governing the specific leave. 

Austin Community College District employees must report leave in the college’s time reporting system. The immediate supervisor must approve all leave time in accordance with the specific leave requirements.

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