Read From the VC: A Student-Centered Environment Depends on a Mission-Aligned Staff
from HappyHr newsletter (Nov 7, 2024)
ACC has embarked on a comprehensive Classification and Compensation study conducted by an outside firm, Guidehouse. The purpose of the study is to look at job profiles and determine if ACC has structured its departments in the most efficient and effective ways.
We’ve engaged Guidehouse for six months to complete their research, analysis, and recommendations. Implementation will take additional time. Stakeholders will be involved along the way via surveys, one-on-one interviews, and progress reports. The study will focus on staff and hourly positions, and will NOT include faculty or adjunct faculty.
It’s important to know the study is NOT part of any effort to downsize ACC. Chancellor Lowery-Hart has promised the data gathered will not lead to any layoffs or reductions in salary. Instead, the intent is to fine tune the work the College is already doing but streamlining our operations.
HR VC Kelly Torrico presentation to staff and faculty during Town Hall with Chancellor Russell Lowery-Hart on December 6, 2024.
Questions can be directed to the study team at or
Other Studies
2023 Market Study Summary
In accordance with Board Policy, the ACC HR Compensation team conducts a Non-
Faculty Market Study every two years in the odd year. The 2023 Non-Faculty Market
Study was conducted for all non-faculty staff positions in spring 2023 for
implementation in FY24 (September 1, 2023). Here are summaries of that study: