Tuition Vouchers

Tuition Vouchers can be used to take CE courses. Some classes are excluded. For a complete list view the tuition voucher CE course exclusion list.

The Tuition Voucher program covers tuition and fees (excluding lab fees and course fees) for CE or academic credit classes. 

  • Staffing table employees and adjunct faculty are eligible for three tuition vouchers per academic year. 
  • Part-time employees (75% and 50%) are eligible to receive two vouchers.

Before using your voucher for a CE class, contact and register with someone in the CE department or call 512-223-7542.

Voucher-eligible Courses

Employees are able to use their tuition vouchers for ACC Academic and Continuing Education (CE) courses. 

  • Tuition vouchers cannot be used to take courses on the CE course exclusion list.
  • You can use a voucher to pay for the tuition portion of Study Abroad Programs if tuition is less than $1,000.

Voucher Guidelines

  1. Tuition vouchers are only for Staffing Table employees, Full-Time Faculty and Adjunct Faculty.
  2. To access the Employee Tuition Voucher system online visit the Employee Voucher System website
  3. Full-time staffing table employees and adjunct faculty are eligible for three vouchers after 6 months of employment. Part-time staffing table employees are eligible for two vouchers after 6 months of employment.
  4. New employees must be employed 180 days before they are eligible to receive vouchers.
  5. Vouchers may not be used by anyone other than the employee.
  6. Vouchers must be used within the fiscal year for Continuing Education courses and within the academic year for College Credit courses.
  7. Vouchers must be submitted between the hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. on the day of registration or you will be dropped from the course.
  8. If a course is cancelled, you must contact Bill to Pay (B2P) at to reinstate the voucher.
  9. If you drop a course before the first day of the semester/session you must contact Bill to Pay (B2P) at to reinstate the voucher.
  10. Courses must be attended outside normal working hours, unless approved by the Supervisor. When approved by the Supervisor, the employee must be required to make up the hours missed or charge paid time against approved leave. In the event a course is required by the Supervisor or is directly job-related, the hours missed do not have to be made up or charged against leave.

Completion Requirements for College Credit and Continuing Education Courses

The employee/student must complete the course and achieve a “C” or better, “Pass”, or “Incomplete”. If the student drops (after the add/drop period), withdraws, or receives a grade of D or F (or U in the case of a CE class) then the employee is responsible for reimbursing the college for it’s incurred fees. If the student encounters a challenging event, the following exceptions may be considered in exempting the incurred fees: 

  • Severe illness/debilitating condition of employee-student
  • Death of close family member
  • Care of sick, injured, or needy family member
  • Active military duty
  • Change in work schedule beyond the employee-student’s control
  • Incorrect course placement based on assessment error
  • Challenging circumstances, including language barriers and disabilities
  • Other circumstances not covered by legislated exceptions
  • Other “good cause,” as determined by the college

For additional information please visit Board Policy DEB (formerly Administrative Rule 6.09.004) Employee Tuition Exemption Vouchers Guidelines & Procedures.

General Information

  • For help, click on the “HELP” button (log in to the system, find button on top left of page).
  • You must register for a course prior to submitting a voucher.
  • You must comply with the student guidelines. Voucher guidelines are located here.
  • Voucher payment deadlines are found here.


  • Go to the ACC employee voucher webpage.
  • Login using your ACCeID and password. If you forgot your password, please contact the Tech Services at 512-223-8324.

College Credit Courses Payment Dates

Visit the College Credit registration calendar for deadlines.

Continuing Education Courses Payment Dates

Vouchers must be submitted within 24 hours of registering for the course or you will be dropped.

Select a course by term and department, or search by course title.

Tuition Vouchers: Questions & Answers

Can I use my voucher to partially pay for my class?

A voucher cannot be used for partial payment toward any class.

Can I use my voucher for wellness classes?

Not any longer. ACC has launched a wellness program called ACCESS WELLNESS. Find more information about the wellness program.

Can I use vouchers to get my Associates degree?

Absolutely. You can certainly use your vouchers but a better alternative might be to move over to the Tuition Waiver Program and have the ability to access more tuition vouchers.

Do hourly employees have vouchers?

No, Tuition vouchers are only for Staffing Table employees, Full-Time Faculty and Adjunct Faculty.

How many vouchers am I eligible to receive?

Full-time staffing table employees and Adjunct Faculty are eligible for three vouchers after 6 months of employment. Part-time staffing table employees are eligible for two vouchers after 6 months of employment. 

Can I use a voucher for a family member?

Vouchers may not be used by anyone other than the employee.

Can I use the vouchers for classes taking during my work hours?

Courses must be attended outside normal working hours, unless approved by the supervisor. When approved by the supervisor, the employee must be required to make up the hours missed or charge paid time against approved leave. In the event a course is required by the supervisor or is directly job-related, the hours missed do not have to be made up or charged against leave.

When am I eligible to use the vouchers?

New employees must be employed 180 days before they are eligible to receive vouchers.

Can I use multiple vouchers in one semester?

Employees can use as many allotted vouchers (based on their classification status) in one semester in accordance with their work hours.

How do I submit my vouchers to pay for my courses?

Access the online tuition voucher system here. Vouchers must be submitted according to the deadlines listed at Deadlines for Employees or you will be dropped from the course. If a course is cancelled, you must contact Bill to Pay (B2P) at for a replacement voucher. If you drop a course on or before the first day of class you must contact Bill to Pay (B2P) at for a replacement voucher.

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