Compassion is the cornerstone of the work done every day in ACC’s Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC). The team’s director, Charlene Buckley, not only keeps ACC law-abiding, but also makes sure staff, faculty and students feel valued and heard.
Charlene’s team of eight supports employees and students in resolving and preventing discrimination and harassment. “Our team is small but mighty as we assist individuals during some of their most challenging times,” Charlene said.
Since Charlene joined ACC in 2017, the work of the office has expanded to include managing the employee grievance process, facilitating compliance with the Clery Act, and coordinating the college’s efforts to meet standards under the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.
Charlene leads two full-time Investigators who address complaints regarding all forms of illegal and ACC discrimination policy violations, including sex-based discrimination and discrimination based on other protected characteristics.
Additionally, the Employee Relations Officer is housed within the EOC to assist with workplace concerns through the Employee Grievance Process and other informal resolution options. Charlene says one of their secrets to success is addressing matters early and well, with a focus on resolution at the lowest level possible.
The EOC team supports ACC employees in a variety of ways including:
- Providing opportunities for mediation to resolve interpersonal disputes & communication barriers
- Introducing resources to restore psychological safety in the workplace
- Supporting employees with off campus situations that can impact their mental health and well-being
- Providing a legally compliant and robust investigation process to address unwanted conduct under the purview of ACC’s anti discrimination policies
- Connecting individuals with the appropriate ACC resource to work through a challenge or navigate a situation toward a positive resolution
Charlene says the EOC team demonstrates each of the College’s four values in the care demonstrated in working with each individual in response to a complaint or concern. Of all of the values, Charlene says Compassion is the cornerstone.
“Compassion in leadership not only benefits individual employees, but also contributes to the overall success and health of the team and the broader organization,” she said. She adds that compassion builds trust and fosters loyalty, enhance morale, reduces stress, promotes a positive culture, and improves communication.
Click here for Charlene’s tips on bringing compassion to the workplace.
Charlene’s employees note she doesn’t like to take credit for her successes; she’d rather draw attention to roles each team member brings to the success.
Here’s what they told us:
“Charlene prioritizes serving individuals. When an employee reported dating violence but forgot the student’s name, Charlene called every individual on a check-in log to make sure they were okay. Her efforts ensured that those at risk felt supported and reassured by ACC’s care and prompt outreach and honoring each other as a unified community.” – EOC Education Coordinator Casey Martinez
“Charlene’s leadership has allowed our team to flourish. We are confident in our abilities to carry the mission thanks to her.” -Executive Assistant Josias Ocampo
“Charlene is an exceptional leader because she has a unique way of allowing us to leverage our strengths and truly shine in our roles. It’s inspiring to work in an environment where our unique attributes are recognized and valued. She creates a positive and empowering workplace.” – Investigator Abraham Luna