ACC professor in group discussion with students in class.

Academic Outcomes Assessment

Assessment is key to understanding and improving the college’s effectiveness in all areas. Institutional effectiveness is the process of gathering and analyzing data to make informed decisions that ensure ACC is meeting its intended outcomes. The Academic Outcomes Assessment unit and others within the Institutional Effectiveness and Grant Development Office facilitate this process.

Assessment at ACC takes place at all levels of the institution. In the area of instruction, Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs), General Education Competencies, and Course-level Learning Outcomes are assessed, with the assessment plans, results, and ensuing action strategies for general education and PSLOs described. This information also guides departments’ longer-term planning. All of a discipline’s awards should be assessed every year, and all PSLOs should be assessed within a three-year period.

The assessment process aligns with ACC’s mission statement and the Theory of Change.

View the Program Assessment in Blackboard page for information about using Blackboard to assess student learning outcomes.

ACC students posing for photo.

Ron Johns, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Assessment & Evaluation

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