ACC Logo Usage & Technical Requirements

Austin Community College District Logo

About Our Logo

The Austin Community College District visual identity/brand is rooted in community, value, trust, and academic excellence. Our logo creates instant brand identity. Any department, program, office, or division associated with the college should adhere to these ACC District logo use guidelines.

  • It is against District policy to alter the ACC logo. ACC logos are federally registered trademarks and may not be altered or recreated.
  • All departments and programs funded by ACC must use approved college logos.
  • Logos associated with the ACC brand must be approved by the Office of College Relations & Marketing.
  • Individualized logos may not be developed without approval from the Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Vice Chancellor of College Relations & Marketing.

The Office of College Relations & Marketing will work with programs to create individualized graphic identities that align with the official brand. 

The Austin Community College name, logo and trademarks, wordmarks, slogans, and other identifying symbols are the property of ACC and protected by federal and local laws. Any unauthorized use of these by any entity or individual without express written consent of the ACC District is a violation of the law.

How to Use

The logo is to be used on all correspondence, publications, signage, advertising, merchandise, and other marketing and public relations materials. Please follow the technical requirements described below and other ACC brand standards to confirm the correct placement and colors for the ACC logo.

The logo should appear on the front page of all ACC publications, including brochures, course schedules, catalogs, etc. (Exceptions are official business of the Board of Trustees, graduation diplomas, and transcripts, all of which include the college seal). Use of the seal is limited to these areas.


The Austin Community College and “ACC” name, logo and trademarks, wordmarks, slogans, and other identifying symbols are the property of the Austin Community College District and are protected by federal and local copyright laws.

Any unauthorized use of these or misleadingly similar names or marks, by any entity or individual without express written consent of the ACC District will be deemed a violation of the college’s statutory and/or common law rights, and the college will take any and all steps necessary to protect such rights.

Commercial use and reproduction without express written permission is strictly prohibited. This includes use by nonbusiness groups or individuals, employees, charities, and other organizations.

The use of any Austin Community College District name, logo or trademark on any product or in connection with a manufacturer, wholesaler, screen printer, in-store producer or any other supplier must be managed under a written agreement.

Vendor Notice

Production or printing of any tangible item representing the College requires written permission through the Office of College Relations & Marketing in ADVANCE. The use of any Austin Community College District name, logo or trademark on any product or in connection with a manufacturer, wholesaler, screen printer, in-store producer, or any other supplier must be managed under a written agreement: Other commercial use and reproduction without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

Inquiries, requests, and orders placed by individuals associated with the Austin Community College District do not imply permission to reproduce ACC’s name or images.

Products produced without proper signature approval of the final design may be subject to non-payment or confiscation.

The logo should be in its entirety The logo includes both the star emblem and the name of the college, in the typeface shown below, used in the specified colors. The two elements are inseparable and unalterable. No additional elements may be added. The star should never be used on its own; nor should the name of the college be shown in the typeface and configuration of the logo without the star. In addition it is not permissible to change the typeface of the logo or alter the proportion or composition of the logo in any way. See Logo Usage for Print and Web below.

If the application you are working on does not lend itself to either the official logo or the “ACC” versions shown below, the name of the college may be used to identify Austin Community College. The font used must be Fritz Quadrata, in all caps. The acceptable version:

Logo Usage for Signage or Merchandising

There are two alternatives (horizontal and vertical) to use the logo for signage or merchandising. The alternatives of the logo include both the star emblem and the initial capitals in the college’s name (ACC) in the typeface shown below. The two elements are inseparable and unalterable. The size of the logo can vary, but this must be done while maintaining the proportions between the logo’s star and type elements. No additional elements may be added. 

The size of the logo can vary, but you must maintain the proportions between the logo’s star and type elements. In any instance, the minimum size of the official logo can be no smaller than 3/4 of an inch by 1 3/16 inches (business card size), 3/4 of an inch by 5/8 inches (horizontal version) and 5/16 of an inch by 1 inch (vertical version).

The Office of College Relations & Marketing must approve these versions of the logo on a case-by-case basis.

ACC Logo - Vertical Option
Vertical Logo Option
ACC Logo - Horizontal Ooption
Horizontal Logo Option

ACC Logo - Space Requirements

Logo Usage for Print or Webpages


Use the logos as displayed here. The logo should be no smaller than the business card logo size (3/4″ x 1-3/16″). The graphics inventory provides three sizes of the official logo in color and two sizes of the black and white version.


When designing printed materials using the logo, leave leaving ample blank space around the logo. This is for optimum recognition and readability. No other graphic or typography should be placed proportionally closer to the logo than the height of the initial capitals in the “A” or “C” of college’s name.

ACC Logo - Spacing Refrence

The blank space around the alternative logos should be the the height of the green triangle of the star.

ACC Logo - Vertical Option Spacing Requirements
ACC Logo - Horizontal Option Spacing Requirements

Logo Placement on Webpages

  • The logo should always be in the correct color and size. 
  • The logo should always be on the first page of major categories/sites (i.e., LRS, academic departments). 
  • The logo should be linked link back to ACC Home Page. 
  • Never use the ACC logo or elements of it as a background or watermark .

Placement/Scale on a Printed Page

  • Placement on a page: As a graphic element, the logo should be part of the overall design of a page, to readily identify the college. As such, it should typically appear at the top or bottom of a page.
  • Scale: Use the logo in appropriate proportion to the rest of the design. Making it too small diminishes the ability to readily identify the college. A logo rendered too large is like shouting. Follow these guidelines:
    • 4″ x 9″ trifold: logo should be about 2-1/2″ wide 
    • 8-1/2″ x 11″ single sheet: logo should be no more than 3-1/2″ wide 
    • 11″ x 17″ poster: logo should be no more than 4″ wide 

Logo Colors for Four-color Printing

In printing language, “four-color process” refers to the use of tints/screen combinations of the four color inks used in offset lithography to create all other colors. The colors of the ACC logo, using four-color process, match four colors found in the Pantone Matching System (PMS), plus black. Those colors are:

ACC Logo - PMS color specifications

Because printing presses, ink standards, and other related processes vary, please contact the Office of College Relations & Marketing if you plan to use the 4-color version of the logo.

Web Colors 

The logo colors for webpages are based on the RGB color scheme and hexadecimal numbers. Please notify the Office of College Relations & Marketing if you plan to use the 4-color version of the logo.



Green 000 160 143 #00A08F
Red 212 001 057 #D40139
Blue 000 112 200 #0070C8
Yellow 255 215 000 #FFD700
Black 000 000 000 #000000

Black and White

Often, color printing is not cost-effective or necessary. Many ACC internal communications are produced on a photocopier. In these instances, both the logo star and the type should be solid black. A grayscale version of the color version is not permissible.

ACC Logo - Do not modify Specifications

Two Colors 

In a two-color application, both the star and the type should be solid color.


A reverse is when the logo is on a dark background, “reversing” the colors. Typically, all or some of the elements are white so they stand out against the darker background. If using a reverse of the ACC logo :

  • The type should be white against a solid, dark background (i.e, black or dark blue), and the star should be in the official colors (following the PMS guidelines).
  • Both the star and type should be white when reversing against a photograph. 
  • Avoid backgrounds with textures or mid-tones, and avoid choosing background colors that clash with the colors of the logo’s star.
ACC Logo - Incorrect Reverse USeage

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