Severe Weather Reporting and Response Procedures

Reporting Procedure

The weather is tracked closely by the National Weather Service and alerts are monitored by ACC. Despite this, severe weather can strike with little or no warning. If you notice severe weather developing, report it immediately to Campus Police Dispatch at 512-223-1231.

Response Procedure

When you notice severe weather or are advised of it via ACC Emergency Alert you must be ready to respond. Refer to your Emergency Egress Map for “shelter in place” locations. These areas of greater safety provide protection from severe weather by putting as many walls as possible between you and the weather (they are not tornado shelters). Only those areas that are accessible/unlocked at all times are marked on the plan but any space you can access that meets this criterion should be used – even if it is not marked on the Emergency Egress Map (e.g. private offices, classrooms/conference rooms in the core of the building that can be unlocked).


  • A WATCH means conditions are favorable or expected but not occurring or imminent
  • A WARNING means conditions are occurring or imminent
  • You may be sheltering in place for a long time. Try to conserve the battery life of your phone and minimize using it so that emergency responders have a strong signal for their communications.
  • There may be more than one wave of severe weather.

How to Respond When Inside a Building:

  1. Immediately select a location to shelter-in-place:
    • Move to one of your building’s designated shelter-in-place areas (areas marked in green on the Emergency Egress Maps), OR
    • Find a location that is interior to the building. Stay away from exterior walls and all windows and doors. The part of the building facing the approaching weather is the least safe.
  2. If time permits:
    • Go to the lower levels of the building but don’t be caught on the move when severe weather strikes.
    • Close all doors to rooms with exterior windows.
  3. If necessary, use a jacket, cap, backpack, or anything else you may have to protect your head and neck in a “drop and tuck” position.

How to Respond if Outdoors Without Building Access:

  1. Lie in a ditch or low-lying area, or crouch near a strong building.
  2. Be aware of the potential for flooding.
  3. Use your arms to protect your head and neck in a “drop and tuck” position.
  4. Use a jacket, cap, backpack, or anything else you may have to protect your head and neck.

Additional Responsibilities for Faculty and Supervisors/Managers

In addition to the above, you have specific responsibilities to your group:

  1. Spend 5 minutes, at the beginning of the semester or in a staff meeting reviewing how you will work together to effectively implement emergency procedures.
  2. To the extent possible, stay with and guide your group to the nearest shelter-in-place area.
  3. Do not use elevators in a severe weather emergency. If a person cannot use the stairs, it is your responsibility to assist them to the safest area of the floor and provide details of their location to an emergency coordinator if possible. 
  4. Account for those in your group and be able to report their status to an emergency coordinator or Campus Police Dispatch.
  5. Encourage your group to stay together and remind people they are less safe in their cars than in a building.
  6. Assist with injury reports and workers compensation claims as appropriate.

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