Sustainable Development Goals

Austin Community College is committed to incorporating sustainability into every aspect of the college, from environmentally-responsible construction and operations, to innovative learning programs that will equip ACC’s students with the tools to be resilient and sustainable leaders in their career fields.

grid illustration of sustainable development goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of ambitious goals, targets and indicators adopted by all United Nations (UN) member states in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The UN SDGs are 17 goals and 169 objectives striving to achieve sustainable development across economic, social and environmental dimensions.

A key facet of the agenda is a people-centered approach and the recognition that the SDGs are interlinked and integrated. It calls for action by all countries to provide for a more prosperous, peaceful, and healthy future. The agenda also recognizes that reaching these goals requires stakeholder involvement at all levels – governments, businesses, universities, civil society, and people everywhere, including at ACC, all have roles to play.

Sustainability in the Curriculum

Many courses at ACC include topics and learning-objectives related to the UN SDGs. Students interested in gaining sustainability knowledge and skills should consider taking courses with an SDG designation. 

To search for a course or program, check out our Sustainable Course Catalog below.

Student Service-Learning Opportunities

Service learning combines learning objectives with community service to provide a pragmatic, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs1. The Office of Energy & Sustainability and Office of Experiential Learning can help faculty incorporate service-learning in their courses through sustainability-focused curriculum and volunteer opportunities. Check out our current list of Green Volunteering – local opportunities. This list includes local opportunities and ACC Office of Energy & Sustainability opportunities.

Faculty Professional Development

The Office of Energy & Sustainability seeks to collaborate with faculty to develop sustainability-focused curriculum. We can help faculty identify ways to incorporate SDG learning objectives and SDG goals in their curriculum. 

Once the program is developed and vetted, students would have the opportunity to search for and take these classes and could get recognition upon completion. This will provide a professional development opportunity for faculty participants as well as an incentive for students to take these classes. 

Faculty benefits of participating:

  • Join a growing network of sustainability-minded faculty & staff
  • Access resources available from the Energy & Sustainability Office
  • Market your course to a new generation of students interested in sustainability
  • Get credit for content that may already be included in courses
  • Provide students with the tools and competencies needed to address global issues that affect us all

Student benefits of participating:

  • Learn valuable sustainability skills
  • Become globally conscious leaders in the career fields

Contact if you are interested in adding your course to the program list, or to learn more.

1McDonald, Betty. Improving Teaching and Learning through Experiential Learning. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.

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