If you have any questions not answered below, please email us at payrollservices@austincc.edu.
- Payslips for November 2021 to present are available in Workday. In your profile, select Pay and then Payslips. You can also ask Workday Assistant how to find your payslips. Workday Assistant will provide the information for your most recent pay as well as a link to the Payslips page with past payslips.
- Payslips for January 2021 to October 2021 can be found in Self Service. Log in with your ACCeID and password. Then, select Pay Information. For assistance with your ACCeID or password, contact ACC Technical Support Services at (512) 223-8324.
- W-2 forms for 2021 to present are available in Workday. In your profile, select Pay and then Tax Documents. You can also ask Workday Assistant how to find your W-2.
- W-2 forms for 2010-2020 can be found in Self Service. Log in with your ACCeID and password. Then, select Tax Information. For assistance with your ACCeID or password, contact ACC Technical Support Services at (512) 223-8324.
How do I get paid if I forgot to enter or submit my time by the deadline?
- Hourly Workers: Timesheets for the most recent pay period lock at midnight on the date listed on each pay schedule. They reopen again after the pay date on the 1st or 16th. You can then enter and submit any time from the previous pay period, and it will be paid on the next scheduled pay date for your primary position.
- Non-exempt Salaried Workers: You will be paid your regular monthly salary on the regular pay date. Timesheets reopen after the pay date on the 1st of the next month. You should then enter and submit your time from the previous pay period. Any adjustments to your time (overtime, unpaid time off) will be processed for the next scheduled pay date.
How do employees get paid for holidays?
- Holiday Pay is based on the employees FTE percentage, not their work schedule. For full-day holidays, full-time employees (100%) receive 8 hours, part-time employees (75%) receive 6 hours, and part-time employees (50%) receive 4 hours. Employees who work an alternative schedule may adjust their schedules during holiday weeks with supervisor approval. Time must be made up in the same week. Employees may also use leave time to make up their scheduled hours for the week.
- See Administrative Rule 4.0501.04 for more information on holiday pay.
Where can I find more information on my Period Activity Pay?
- In your Workday profile, select Compensation and Historical Activity Pay. Click the View Assignment Details button to see a description of each activity, the total amount to be paid for each activity, and the amounts paid to date.
- The Period Activity Payment Details report in Workday also shows activity descriptions and payments. Enter your name in the Employee field and select a date range to view all activity and payment details for that time period.
Click on the Workday Assistant icon in the bottom right corner of Workday to:
• View upcoming pay dates
• See your pay totals for the most recent pay period
• Locate Payslips for previous pay periods
• View and update direct-deposit payment elections
• Access your W-2 tax forms for prior years
• View and update your W-4 tax withholding form
• Check your available time-off balances

For Assistance with: | Contact: |
HR-related inquiries, including IRS Form 1095-C – Employer-Provided Health Insurance | HR via Mojo ticket |
Expense Reports | supplier_request@austincc.edu |
IRS Form 1099 – Miscellaneous and Nonemployee Compensation | supplier_request@austincc.edu |
ACC Foundation Donations | ACC Foundation |
Employee Emergency Fund Donations | Employee Emergency Fund |
Gold’s Gym Payroll Deduction | ACC Employee Wellness |