Master Planning

Feasibility Studies

  • Analyze code compliance, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems, roofing and building envelope assessments, structural systems, ADA/TDLR, and Life Safety requirements

Individual Campus Master Plans

  • Analyze zoning, codes, jurisdictional development requirements, and the availability of utilities and public transportation 
  • Identify the intended focus and instructional programs at the proposed campus
  • Analyze existing site conditions & identify site development guidelines
  • Conceptualize the building mass on site and demonstrate how the physical relationships of the buildings optimize site usage
  • Communicate needs and priorities of ACC that will act as a framework for future planning and coordinating with potential partnerships
  • Estimate the cost of work for an initial phase of construction
  • Incorporate the input and vision of  ACC departmental user groups, the Administration, Regional Advisory Committee, non-ACC partners, and the ACC Board of Trustees 
  • Ensure the master plan aligns with both the mission and vision of ACC and the strategic and academic plans of the Austin Community College District.

Master Plan: Southeast Travis County, A Workforce Campus

District wide campus planning

  • To incorporate their input and vision, meetings with ACC departmental user groups, Administration, community engagement groups, Regional Advisory Committee, non-ACC partners, and ACC Board of Trustees are scheduled.
  • Master plans are evaluated to ensure they align with both the mission and vision of ACC and the strategic and academic plans of the Austin Community College District.
  • Zoning restrictions, environmental impacts and controls, the provision of utilities and transportation, and demographic data are all updated.
  • The intended focus and instructional programs for each campus and at administrative facilities are carefully examined. 
  • The uses of spaces, both building and site, are specifically identified.
  • New construction and major renovation projects are prioritized to address known deficiencies and meet the functional needs identified during the planning process.
  • Logistical issues needed to implement planning are evaluated. The focus is on both short term and long term development.   
  • The cost of work to implement the short term phase of construction at each campus is estimated.

2021 Campus Masterplan Vol 1 (Rev1.2023)

2021 Campus Masterplan Vol 2

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