I. General Provisions
- In accordance with the authority granted by the Texas Education Code, Subchapter E, Section 51.202, ACC has developed regulations to control parking, traffic and use of parking facilities; to provide for the purchase and issuance of parking permits; and to provide for jurisdiction over violations. Applicable laws of the State of Texas governing and regulating traffic are incorporated herein by reference. The operation of a motor vehicle on ACC property is a privilege, rather than a right granted by the College to use parking facilities, secure a parking permit, or drive on ACC property. ACC reserves the right to suspend or revoke this privilege. All vehicles operated on ACC property must meet legal requirements for operation on any street or roadway in the State of Texas.
- Regulation and enforcement of parking will be consistent college-wide as set forth by ACC Parking Rules and Regulations. These regulations will set forth specific rules governing student and employee parking privileges and specific sanctions and fines for violation of those rules by employees, students or the public.
- The District Police Department shall enforce these regulations.
- All parking on ACC campuses is by permit only, unless otherwise noted in the Parking Rules and Regulations.
- Each driver on ACC property is responsible for knowing and following the laws and College regulations. The fact that a violation notice is not issued when a violation occurs does not imply that the regulation or law is not in effect. Enforcement of ACC Parking Rules and Regulations is based on the premise that any parking or traffic control device, sign, signal or marking that was in place at any location on the campus at the time a citation is issued, is official and has been installed by proper College authority and thereby constitutes direct evidence.
- The College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its content while the vehicle is parked or operated on College property.
- Suggestions for improvement to these regulations should be forwarded, in writing, to the Office of Risk Management & Transportation or a District Police Office. All suggestions will be considered and, if approved by the District Police Committee, submitted to the Administrative Services Council for approval.
II. Definitions
For the purposes of these parking and traffic regulations, the below listed terms shall mean:
A motor vehicle, bicycle or other conveyance parked on ACC property for more than five (5) days without being moved.
Austin Community College
Every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, and is supported by either 2 or 3 tandem wheels, one of which is 14 inches or more in diameter. This definition also includes all vehicles defined as a bicycle under state law. Electric bicycle/motor-assisted bicycle means a bicycle that:
- is designed to be propelled by an electric motor and must have the option of the application of human power;
- cannot attain a speed of more than 20 miles per hour without the application of human power; and
- does not exceed a weight of 100 pounds
A sturdy, short vertical post used to control traffic access. The bollard is either fixed or retractable. Retractable bollards are equipped with lights that flash red and they emit a high-pitched alert for pedestrians and vehicles altering them to bollard activity.
To immobilize a vehicle through the use of a device that is designed to be attached to the tire/wheel and renders the vehicle inoperable.
All property owned or controlled by Austin Community College
A wheeled vehicle that typically has a maximum speed of 25mph or less. It includes but is not limited to all: golf carts, all-terrain vehicles (ATV’s), off road utility vehicles (UTV’s), low speed vehicles (LSV’s), neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV’s), etc. Here on campus the list includes vehicles produced by: Kawasaki, Club Car, EZ-Go, Cushman, Taylor Dunn, John Deere, Columbia, Polaris, GEM, Kubota, Tiger, Gravely, Yamaha, Pug, Jacobson, Vantage, Toro, Steiner, and others. For the purpose of these regulations, references to vehicles includes carts.
Austin Community College
An area that has specific requirements for access and is controlled through permits, signage, or access credentials.
The department of Risk Management & Transportation Services (RM&T) for ACC
The director or their other designee of the department of Risk Management & Transportation for ACC
12. Electronic Personal Assistive Mobility Devices (EPAMD)
Electronically propelled two-wheeled devices designed to transport one person, such as Segways and scooters.
Police, ambulance, fire truck, and University vehicles that might typically respond to an emergency such as EHS, FPS, and UEM.
Any person receiving three (3) or more citations, one of which may be a warning notice, within one (1) academic year.
Towing, storage and/or holding of a vehicle.
To live or reside in a vehicle.
A two-way communication device using a microphone and speaker, which may or may not be equipped with cameras. Generally located at areas where parking gates or bollards are installed. Intercoms are answered 24/7.
A signed area or dock reserved for loading/unloading of commercial or approved vehicles at all times. These areas serve as the primary service entrance of a building (see Section VIII: Parking Permits for restrictions).
A signed area, drive, or zone reserved for loading/unloading at all times (see Section VII: Parking Regulations for restrictions).
A space defined by two (2) parallel lines or where otherwise designated.
All automobiles, buses, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, motor-scooters, motorbikes and mopeds.
Moving traffic law violations as defined by the State of Texas
All areas not specifically designated for parking, to include yellow curbs, fire lanes, construction or loading zones, service delivery and bus zones.
A vehicle stopped in a surface lot, parking garage, or on the street, attended or unattended by any person authorized to move it or capable of moving it immediately upon the direction of a law or traffic enforcement officer.
Any area on the university campus that has been designated and marked for parking, whether on streets, lots, or garages.
26. Parking for Disabled Persons
Spaces or areas reserved for any disabled individual who has obtained the appropriate (Placard) hang tag or license plate from the County Tax Assessor’s Office.
A barrier that impedes access to a lot or parking garage. It is usually activated for entry and exit via a PTS issued credential.
A digital key associated with a license plate number issued by ACC authorizing the motor vehicle properly displaying the permit to be lawfully parked within designated areas. The purchase of the permit serves as proper registration.
A geographical area where pedestrian traffic is of most importance and takes precedence over all other transportation modes except during emergencies.
Spaces or areas identified by signs and/or pavement markings that are enforced during campus operating hours, unless otherwise noted.
Areas reserved for use by holders of designated permits.
Removing an individual’s privilege to drive or park on ACC property.
33. Roller-Skates (inline and others)
Any shoe which has wheels attached to it by any means whatsoever and which is intended to be propelled by pushing, pulling, or by the forces of gravity and to which there is not affixed any mechanism for steering.
Every non-motorized or motorized device consisting of two or more wheels affixed to a platform or footboard upon which a rider stands and which has a handle or other mechanism for holding or guiding the device. It does not include mopeds, whether operated with or without motor power (see Motorcycle/Moped/Motor Scooters).
Motorized and non-motorized device consisting of two or more wheels affixed to a platform or footboard upon which a rider stands and which does not have steering capability similar to that of a bicycle or brakes which operate on or upon the wheels of the skateboard. It also includes every device generally recognized as a skateboard.
These spaces are for use by any official university vehicle driver, approved vendor, service provider, or contractor with the appropriate permit. The purpose of these spaces is to provide parking adjacent to facilities for functions associated with normal daily operations.
A sidewalk is that portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians.
temporarily interrupting an individual’s privilege to drive or park on ACC property for up to one (1) year.
Vehicle impound, to include vehicle relocation or hauling to storage.
All mobile machines, either motorized or non-motorized, that typically transport people or cargo. Examples include, but are not limited to, wagons, bicycles, and motor vehicles (motorcycles, cars, carts, trucks, and buses).
Persons other than students, faculty members, staff members, approved vendors, employees of ACC, or affiliated non-ACC employees.
A form giving a warning or giving notice to a person that an administrative or criminal charge has been filed, requiring payment of a fine, or summoning the individual to court.
A citation giving notice to a person that a parking or traffic regulation has been violated. A warning notice does not result in a fine.
III. Parking Permit Rules and Regulations
A. Registration of Vehicles for Permits
- All vehicles parked in a campus parking lot at any time must properly display a valid parking permit except in the case of special events in which prior arrangements have been made with Campus administration and notice has been given to District Police.
- Vehicle owners and operators may obtain a parking permit.
- A maximum of two permits can be sold to one individual.
- Parking Permits are valid for one academic year, beginning with the Fall Semester.
- Parking forms and regulations can be obtained on the ACC District Parking Portal.
- A parking permit is no guarantee of a parking space. Each driver is responsible for finding a legal parking space. Lack of space is no excuse for violating any parking regulation.
- A parking permit will not be issued to any person (faculty, staff, or student) having unpaid violation charges or other outstanding ACC balances (e.g.; library fines, tuition, parking fines, etc.) until full payment is made.
- A parking permit may not be purchased for or by an individual ineligible to receive the permit. The College will suspend the parking privileges for a period of one year of individuals who violate this regulation. Once an individual’s parking privileges have been suspended, any attempts to park vehicles on ACC property during the suspension period will result in impound of the individual’s vehicle.
- Student Permits: Any student registered and paid at ACC is eligible to purchase a student parking permit. Work-Study students can purchase only student permits. Faculty/Staff who are also ACC students must purchase a Faculty/Staff permit.
- Employee Permits: All faculty (full time and adjunct) and staffing-table employees are eligible for faculty/staff permits. Hourly employees or work study students are eligible for student parking permits only.
- Affiliated Non-ACC Employee Permits: Vendors and contractors who come to a campus or facility on a regular basis or will be on a campus/and or facility on a daily basis for a set period of time will be required to purchase permits.
- Visitor/Temporary Permits: Visitors must obtain permits at any District Police Office or Campus Manager’s office, or be required to sign a visitors’ log in the District Police Office. Faculty, staff and students are prohibited from parking in spaces reserved for visitors and will be cited. A visitor permit is good for the date and/or time designated on the permit and allows the operator to park in any visitor or student parking space.
D. Parking for Persons with a Disability
Vehicle owners with a disability must register and receive a valid ACC parking permit in addition to displaying their valid disabled placard or license plate. ACC will follow the State law when enforcing parking in a space signed for ADA parking only.
Exception: Disabled military veterans who provide documentation of current “disabled veteran” vehicle registration will be exempt from paying Austin Community College parking fees for one vehicle permit.
NOTE: Parking ePermits are free for Academic Year ’23-’24.
IV. Enforcement
A. Policy and Procedures
- All laws of the State of Texas, ordinances of the applicable municipality, and rules and regulations of ACC, are in effect on the campuses 24 hours a day and will be enforced by ACC Police.
- Campus speed limits are ten (10) miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
B. Types of Citations
- The District Police Department may issue three types of citations for violations of parking and traffic regulations:
- ACC Citation: a violation notice subject to a fine in accordance with the fine schedule noted in Section V.B.4 below.
- ACC Warning: a citation giving notice to a person that a parking or traffic regulation has been violated. A warning notice does not result in a fine. An ACC warning contains the following language: “This warning is being issued because you are in violation of one or more of ACC’s parking regulations. Any subsequent violation will result in a citation and fine.”
- Court Appearance Citation: a summons to appear in a Justice of the Peace Court.
- Any Police Officer may, within their appropriate jurisdiction, issue a citation for any violation of State law.
- College violation notices described in these regulations will result in charges being assessed in accordance with the following schedule: Parking in Spaces Reserved for Persons with Disabilities – $50.00; All Other Violations – $25.00
- The above fine rate is set by the College for administrative violations. Administrative violations also include traffic laws if cited as such. However, citations issued for municipal court or justice of the peace courts will result in fines as decreed by the courts.
- Multiple violations can be noted on the same Violation Notice. Charges will be assessed for each violation.
- College Administrative Violation Notice Payments:
- Payments must be made within twelve (12) days of the date the Notice was issued.
- Payment methods are as follows:
- Pay online through the ACC Marketplace.
- Mail copy of Violation Notice with check, cashier’s check or money order to: ACC/HLC Cashier Office, 6101 Highland Campus Dr., Room 2335, Austin, TX 78752; Make checks payable to Austin Community College.
- Take payment with copy of Violation Notice to any ACC Campus Cashier office.
- Payments not made within twelve (12) days will result in a hold being placed against registration, transcript requests or refunds. Lack of payment may also result in suspension of parking privileges.
- When a person is charged with a violation of any provision of these regulations, proof that the vehicle was, on the date of the offense, bearing a valid college parking permit is direct evidence that the holder of the permit or owner received the Violation Notice and committed the violation.
- If the student has the same family name or home address as the registered owner of a vehicle for which a Violation Notice has been issued, the Violation Notice and accompanying violation charges will be recorded in the student’s name.
- Unpaid charges for parking violations are recorded in either:
- The name of the person who previously purchased a parking permit;
- The name of the purchaser of the permit displayed;
- The name of the person who has previously paid violation charges on the vehicle; or
- The name of the owner or driver
C. Parking Violations
- Parking in a No-Parking Zone
- Parked where prohibited by signs, painted curbs or lines
- Parked where there exists no marked space except for temporary area(s) created by the District Police for emergencies or exigent circumstances.
- Parked on grass, grounds, lawn, turf or any unapproved ground which has not been specifically designed parking.
- Parked in a fire zone.
- Parked in a bus zone.
- Parking in a Reserved Space or Area
- Parked illegally within a designated reserved space and/or area.
- Parked illegally within any any barricaded or controlled space and/or area.
- Parked illegally in a reserved space and/or area not authorized by the type of permit displayed.
- Parked in a designated time space or loading zone beyond allotted time or without proper permit.
- Blocking Drive, SIdewalk, or Exit
- Parked in a manner that obstructs or impairs proper usage of sidewalks, driveways, streets, ramps, loading docks, marked crosswalks or disabled access.
- Parked in a manner as to prevent, impair or obstruct other vehicles from entering or exiting parking lots, parking spaces or access streets entering and exiting the campus.
- Parallel Parking on Two-Way Streets and Roadways
- Parked in a manner that obstructs two-way flow of traffic on any street or roadway on campus.
- Failure to park with right hand wheels within 18 inches of the curb.
- Failure to Park within the Boundaries of a Marked Space Failure of one (1) vehicle to park within the marked boundaries is not implied consent for others to park with any part of the vehicle over the line or outside the marked boundary.
- Double Parked: Stopping, standing or parking a vehicle on the roadway side of any vehicle parked at the edge or cube of a street or parking lot.
- Parked in Spaces Reserved for Persons with Disabilities
- Parked in a marked Disabled Person space without properly displaying a disabled license plate or placard (hang tag) issued by the County Tax Assessor.
- Violation Notices will be dismissed when operator produces valid disabled placard or license plate receipts reflecting disabled status.
V. Penalties and Sanctions
A. In addition to fees for parking or traffic violations, parking privileges may be suspended for a period up to one (1) year for habitual violators, or the vehicles of habitual violators may be impounded without notice at the expense of the vehicle owner. Suspension of parking privileges may also occur for any violation carrying suspension as a specific penalty. Appeals of suspensions of parking privileges will be decided by the Parking Appeals Committee after reviewing recommendations from the District Police Department.
B. An individual who has unpaid violation charges shall be denied enrollment to ACC courses until charges are paid.
C. Official transcripts and refunds shall also be withheld for any individual who has unpaid violation charges.
D. Appeals of Violation Notices or Impounds
- A Parking Appeals Committee, consisting of representatives from faculty, staff and students appointed to the District Police Task Force, is available to help assure fairness in the issuance of parking citations and suspensions. This committee is charged with the responsibility to determine if the violation or impound was issued or performed in accordance with the established parking and traffic rules and regulations. The findings of this committee are final.
- A person who receives a Violation Notice or whose vehicle has been impounded may request an appeal. The appeal form can be obtained online or from any District Police Office. However, the appeal form MUST be filed with the District Police Office.
- All requests for appeals must be written on the prescribed form and filed no later than twelve (12) days from the issuance date of the Violation Notice or date of impound. The Violation Notice or a copy of the notice must be attached to the appeal form. A person who fails to file the request within this time period waives the right to appeal.
- The Parking Appeals Committee may summon the officer who issued the Violation Notice or performed the vehicle impound if he/she is available to assist the committee.
- All appeals will be heard within 30 days.
- Appeals must be filed with the Parking Appeals Committee within twleve (12) days of the date of Violation Notice issuance.
Traffic Violation Appeals can be found on the ACC Parking and Transportation Portal
VI. Bicycle, Motorcycle, Motor Scooter and Moped Parking Regulations
In accordance with Texas State law, operators of bicycles, motorcycles, motor scooters and mopeds shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all the laws and duties applicable to the driver of a motor vehicle while on any ACC campus.
- Parking of Bicycles is restricted to designated areas or bicycle racks.
- Any of these vehicles found parked illegally and creating a potential safety hazard may be impounded or cited.
Contact Us
Office of Risk Management & Transportation
Risk Management: accriskmgmt@austincc.edu
Transportation: transportation@austincc.edu