Employee Relations

Employee Relations Officer

Established in 2022, the Employee Relations Officer (ERO) role was created to invest in the development of faculty and staff by fostering trust and consistency in facilitating informal resolution across the college. The ERO seeks to continue building our culture by supporting the College’s mission and offering resources, guidance, and influencing policy through data analysis that focuses on providing a positive employee experience.

The ERO is a neutral and unbiased thought partner offering consultations on workplace concerns and guides resolution-based outcomes that meet the needs of the individual employee’s goals. The ERO is also responsible for the timely and unbiased resolution of formally filed employee grievances and employee mediation. As directed by College leadership the ERO can conduct investigations or Administrative Reviews of internal policy violations, ethics complaints, or systemic workplace concerns.

As part of the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance, the ERO partners with the EOC Director and Investigators to address matters promptly and refer any concerns that rise to the level of illegal discrimination and harassment.

What the ERO Can Do

  • Give feedback on how to informally resolve concerns and refer employees to the mediation program when appropriate
  • Facilitate formal employee grievances through a neutral, unbiased, thorough, and timely process
  • Partner with the Human Resource Business Partners (HRBPs) to help improve or resolve issues related to employee behavior and performance
  • Formally document and monitor a concern or employment-related matter
  • Provide a private setting for employees to seek guidance on policies and practices across the district
  • Assist the College by formally reviewing systemic workplace and ethics concerns

What the ERO Can’t Do

  • Handle issues related to illegal discrimination
  • Personally facilitate a mediation
  • Oversee employee performance or behavior concerns
  • Mandate or require actions that employees or supervisors take

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to file a grievance but it has been longer than 15 days?

The ERO is responsible for ensuring adherence to ACC Administrative Rules and Guidelines to maintain fairness and consistency throughout the college. ACC policy states grievances can be filed within the following parameters:

  • Within 15 College business days of the decision or action giving rise to the grievance, or
  • Within 15 College business days of the most recent of a series of decisions or actions giving rise to the grievance.
  • Additionally, the ERO has the discretion to assess the timeliness of the subject matter of grievances and dismiss matters that are untimely

Who will hear my Level 1 Grievance?

The Level One Hearing Officer is the lowest level College employee or administrator who has the authority to remedy the workplace concern.

The Level One Hearing Officer is required to respond to the grievance that was submitted. The policy is structured to require each level hearing officer to respond to the grievance ensuring all relevant materials become part of the grievance record.

If the grievance is filed against your supervisor, your supervisor will oftentimes be the Level One Hearing Officer as they are the lowest level College employee to respond to the grievance concerns.

Can my supervisor mandate a mediation with a colleague?

Employee mediation is an effective and confidential informal resolution tool, however, participation in this process must be mutually agreed upon. The ERO takes great care to assign an unbiased mediator, who is vetted, before each request to ensure that employees feel comfortable in communicating their concerns. If you have reservations about the mediation process, schedule an appointment with the ERO to discuss or learn more about the Employee Mediation Program.

What is the difference between the Ombudsperson and the ERO?

The ombudsperson is an informal resource available to ACC faculty and staff. You should contact the ombuds when you:

  • Need to talk to someone “off the record”
  • Want to resolve a problem informally
  • Need help communicating about something
  • Are seeking a facilitated conversation and the other party is agreeable
  • Seek resources or referral

What is the difference between HR and the ERO?

The Human Resources Department hosts a critical function of the employment life-cycle. The office can support with:

  • Questions about an HR service function; Employee Benefits, Leave/ FMLA, Retirement, ADA, Workday
  • Questions about existing talent and performance development programs, tools, or resources; Performance Management, Professional Development, PEP/ Annual Evaluation 
  • Discrepancies or questions regarding benefit elections, onboarding/ employee orientation, hiring process, creating a new position, or other transaction
  • Concerns regarding an employee’s compensation, re-classification of a role, or department reorganization

How can I contact the ERO directly?

The ERO is available to meet in-person or virtually. Schedule a meeting at ero@austincc.edu or find a time that works best for you through the ERO Calendly.

Quick Links

Resolution of an Employee Grievance (AR)

Submit an Employee Grievance (ACC Login Required)

Equal Opportunity Compliance Office

Respect in the Workplace Campaign

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