How to Order Print Materials with ACC Duplication

Copier printer, Close up the photocopier or photocopy machine office equipment workplace for scanner or scanning document and printing or copy paper duplicate and Xerox

ACC Duplication Services provides college-wide printing services for ACC faculty and staff. To order print materials, contact, attach your file(s) to be printed, and use the following email format:

Subject Line: “Print Order for (Department): (Description of Item to be Printed)”


Please see the file attached and print (# quantity needed, print size in inches, specify color or black & white, specify printer paper or card stock, specify double-sided if needed).

Once printed, please mail to (Name, Department, Campus, Room Number, Phone Extension).

Thank you,

Print Size Reference:

  • Poster: 11”x17” (tabloid), to be hung up, order on card stock
  • Flyer: 8.5”x11” (letter), to be hung up, order on card stock
  • Handbill, half-size: 5.5”x8.5” (2UP), to be handed out, order on card stock, specify double-sided if needed
  • Handbill, quarter-size: 4.25”x 5.5” (4UP), to be handed out, order on card stock, specify double-sided if needed
  • Brochure: 8.5”x11” (letter, trifold, double-sided), to be handed out, request brochure paper

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