Message from the Chancellor: ACC’s Bond is Moving Forward

Dear Riverbats —

Results of the November 8 Election are in, and it is clear — our community stands in support of the Austin Community College District. I’m happy to share that the college’s 2022 General Obligation Bond proposition passed with overwhelming approval from ACC District voters. 

I want to thank everyone who took the opportunity to cast their ballot. Seventy (70) percent of voters approved our bond. That is a testament to the trust our community has in this institution.

The bond will allow ACC to grow in critically needed spaces. It includes projects in every region of the district, from new campuses to existing campus improvements and expansions that allow us to grow high-demand programs, and space to support more student services such as child care and healthcare.

We will begin work immediately to bring these projects to fruition. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll put the college’s Districtwide Campus Master Plan into play. We will start by selecting architect firms for the bond projects. These teams will coordinate with our faculty and staff to learn more about our specific needs and develop plans that meet our goals. Then, we’ll move forward to hire construction partners. We could break ground on the first of our projects in the year ahead. You’ll be able to follow details and track progress on our 2022 bond website.

I hope you are proud of these election results. It shows us that people believe in Austin Community College. I credit you — our faculty, staff, and administration — for that achievement. 

It has been an incredible couple of weeks for our college. Beyond the bond passing, we learned that the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) expects to reaffirm our accreditation. The college hosted the SACSCOC on-site reaffirmation visitation team about a week ago. Their report found ACC in compliance with all standards in the SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation and had no recommendations. This is an achievement worth celebrating. 

I want to thank all of you for your dedication to this college, our students, their success, and one another. I am immensely proud to serve you as Chancellor of ACC. ACC is the institution it is today because of you.

Richard M. Rhodes, Ph.D.
Austin Community College District 

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