Dear Colleagues,
Welcome back and happy new year. I hope you enjoyed the winter break with your loved ones.
I want to update you on some developments that we saw over the break. As you know, we hired an external firm out of Houston, McConnell Jones, to audit our work — specifically in the areas of safety, operations, and business. Their work is happening now, and we hope to get a report in the coming months.
During the break, the college received a request from KXAN seeking more information about one of the issues that McConnell Jones is looking into. They’re asking for information about the investigation our police department conducted regarding allegations of improper business practices in the college’s IT Department under the leadership of our former Chief Information Officer, Imad Costantini.
We recently talked about this very issue at a campus conversation, and you may recall reading about it in a recent email I sent as well.
This week, we’re going to share updates with KXAN. As part of my promise to be transparent with you, I’m sharing a copy of our response. You’ll find it attached to this email.
ACC takes allegations of this nature seriously. I truly believe that our college is an incredible place to be, and the people who are here are here to do the right thing.
I’m worried about the perception the alleged actions of one individual can imprint upon the institution. There were no criminal charges filed.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t space to do better. When we reviewed the findings, it showed us areas where we can improve. This is where I’m asking McConnell Jones to focus their first efforts. If we can improve our policies and procedures and follow them with clear roles and responsibilities, we will all benefit.
I promise to share the auditor’s report with you, and we will continue to work together to create the transparency and trust you deserve and need in the new year.
Thank you for your continued understanding and patience. This year will be one of great growth, and I’m honored to be here with you through it all.
Much love,
Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart
Austin Community College District