Belonging Mini Grants

Austin Community College Office of Belonging & Purpose collaborates with multiple campus district partners to fulfill the district’s mission of building a culture of belonging, engagement, and success where all students, faculty, and employees may thrive and succeed. One of the resources we make available while funds are available are small mini grants.

The Office of Belonging & Purpose (OBP) prioritizes innovative projects, workshops, and activities that promote excellence in belonging, engagement, strengths, purpose, and/or success not addressed or limited for consideration by other existing campus resources, and will consider financial assistance for grant proposals primarily in the amount of $500 to $2,500. (Larger grant requests may be considered at the discretion of the OBP reviewers).

Review of applications will be contingent upon availability of funds, and/or the chancellor’s discretion of continuing, limiting, or eliminating the funding based upon institutional financial constraints. Funds are considered on a first-come, first serve basis with a goal where possible of sharing 50% of the available budget for faculty and staff college and/or community initiatives, and 50% for student-led initiatives.

The Office of Belonging & Purpose administrative leadership will review the merits of the proposals, confer with the appropriate Student Affairs, instructional division, or administrative partners of the potential grantees and make approval or denial decisions.

Mini Grant Application Guidelines

Guidelines for completing application:

  1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to write a convincing application with supporting arguments and evidence that show the project or event as strengthening ACC’s long-term commitment to belonging, purpose, engagement, and success. While also, being consistent with ACC’s mission, unifying completion goals,  values, and Theory of Change. 
  2. The proposed event or project should have a strong conceptual framework based upon at least some of the rubrics from the ACC Strategic and Academic Master Plans, and ACC’s Theory of Change.  Those rubrics may include  how many students will be impacted, projected results (e.g., increases in students’ access, persistence, completion, transfer, employment, learning, cultural proficiency, evidence of viability, and innovation). The proposed event or project should be clearly defined with easily identified starting and ending points and specific activities.
  3. The proposed event or project should have specific goals and measurable outcomes.
  4. The proposed event or project should have a plan for assessing impact.
  5. The proposed event or project should have a broad impact upon the ACC community or target first-generation, low income,  or underserved groups at ACC. It cannot be limited to in-class presentations. Grant applicants are encouraged to seek broad visibility for the event or project.
  6. A final report is required and it will be  due no later than three months after the funded activity ends. Failure to submit a final report may disqualify applicants from receiving future faculty, staff, or student belonging mini-grants.
  7. Successful applicants are expected to include the ACC emblem (logo) on all promotional material in accordance with College guidelines and to reference that the event/project was funded by a faculty/staff/student Office of Belonging & Purpose mini-grant.

Mini Grant Application

Mini Grant Examples

Examples including but not limited to purposes mini-grants can address:

Continuing academic, workforce, dual enrollment, or adult education for academic, occupational, professional, and cultural awareness or fluency and proficiency.

Enhanced instructional programs and support services to assist all students, including but not limited to low income, first-generation, or under-served students, from a multi-faceted range of customized assistance to enhance their academic success and/or post-graduate outcomes.

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