Caldwell County Courthouse in historic downtown Lockhart, Texas

Lockhart Annexation

In May 2024, the Austin Community College District (ACC) Board of Trustees unanimously certified a petition from residents who live within the territory covered by Lockhart ISD and are interested in putting ACC annexation on the General Election ballot this November.

This community-led initiative gathered 1,013 petition signatures from voters, exceeding the required threshold of five percent of registered voters (744).

If Lockhart area voters approve the measure on the November ballot, the territory covered by Lockhart ISD will become part of the ACC district and residents will be eligible for all in-district benefits.

Who Is ACC?

Community colleges like ACC are uniquely positioned to meet the state’s growing demands for skilled labor through quick, affordable, and high-quality academic programs. ACC offers a variety of programs and pathways to help you achieve your goals — from getting college-ready to earning workforce certifications to associate degrees, advanced awards, and bachelor’s degrees. 

Get To Know ACC

Ready to discover more about ACC? Find us in your community. ACC will host a special community night on Wednesday, October 2. Join us and explore the wide range of academic programs you can pursue at ACC. 

Discover ACC In Lockhart Graphic with images of welding student, mother graduate, and students with mascots

Discover ACC: In Lockhart
Join us for a night of exploration, connection, community, and fun as you get to know more about Austin Community College.

Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Lockhart Evening Lions Club, 220 Bufkin Ln, Lockhart, TX 78644 – Map

Check back here to see when we’ll be in your community.

Benefits of Being In-District

The Austin Community College District is a taxing entity. Residents of political subdivisions within the taxing district pay property taxes to fund ACC’s programs, services, and building infrastructure.

If the measure wins voter approval, the community is officially part of the college district’s taxing authority. The community begins paying ad valorem taxes to the college district in exchange for increased services, reduced or free tuition, and the right to vote in district elections. 

Lockhart Annexation Proposal

ACC’s proposed service plan for Lockhart ISD includes three phases of future campus development. 

Phase 1 » ACC will provide services on Lockhart ISD property in the evenings and on weekends.

Phase 2 » ACC will work with community stakeholders to develop a facility in your community.

Phase 3 » ACC will purchase land to build a permanent facility that meets the needs of the local community

Next Steps

In August, the ACC Board of Trustees will take a vote to officially place the annexation question on the November ballot for Lockhart ISD voters. Voters within the territory of Lockhart ISD will then have the opportunity to vote on annexation in the November election. 

For more information about annexation and ACC, visit the ACC Annexation page.

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