The 457 Plan was approved by the ACC Board for employees effective in 2002.
The 457 Plan is a voluntary, pre-tax, self-managed, non-matching investment plan available to ACC employees for retirement and investment, etc. in addition to the mandatory State or required ACC retirement plans.
Employees can choose the 457 Plan, the 403(b) Plan or any combination of both plans up to the maximum annual pre-tax deductions allowable by law.
2023 | $22,500 |
2022 | $20,500 |
2021 | $19,500 |
Other limitations may be applicable due to age (greater than 50), work tenure, or retirement date. If age 50+, you may contribute an additional $7,500 ($6,500 in 2022 and 2021).
Please contact your selected vendor directly to establish a 457 Plan account (company application may be completed online, in person, or via 800 Customer Service). Once you have an account established you will need to enroll online through Retirement Manager. Any future changes (of maximums, amounts or companies, etc.) require making your changes online through Retirement Manager. Changing a company also requires establishing a new company account.
Retirement Program Authorized Vendors
DISCLAIMER: Austin Community College assumes no responsibility for the future performance of any offered investment program. It is the employee’s responsibility to select and monitor the performance of the company in the future. The employee is responsible for all tax liabilities incurred as a result of the management or dissolution of the 457 Plan.
See frequently asked questions about deferred compensation plans.
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