DAAPP Biennial Review

2020 DAAPP for Employees Biennial Review (PDF)

The Vice Chancellor of Human Resources serves as the program coordinator and has complete oversight over the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for Employees (DAAPP), including but not limited to, updates and coordination of program information, coordination of the annual notification to employees, and the Program Biennial Review Report.

The college is committed to monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of ACCD’s alcohol abuse and prevention program and any changes that need to be made. Therefore, Human Resources is responsible for coordinating a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for Employees committee, DAAPP for Employees committee.  The DAAPP for Employees committee is responsible for determining the effectiveness of the prevention program and ensures the standards conducted are fair and consistently enforced.

The DAAPP for Employees committee will utilize program review assessment methods in a biennial committee report to include, however, not limited to:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP usage and related topic data);
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention training workshops evaluations;
  • Employee survey outcomes;
  • Police incident report data, policy violations, and sanctions imposed by the District;
  • DAAPP for Employee dissemination documentation
  • Employee participation documentation during ACC’s fall Drug Prevention and Awareness Week

The Vice Chancellor of Human Resources is responsible utilizing the program outcomes from the DAAPP for Employees committee to develop and present the Biennial Review Report to the Chancellor’s cabinet. The report is prepared biennially in the spring semesters according to the official college calendar. The Chancellor/CEO approves Biennial Review report to meet full compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations.

The Austin Community College District is committed to conducting an annual review of its program to: (a) determine its effectiveness and implement changes if they are needed; (b) ensure that the drug, alcohol and inhalant abuse violations and sanctions are imposed by the District are consistently enforced; and (c) prepare a biennial review report approved by ACC’s Chancellor/CEO to meet full compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR Part 86.100.

DAAPP Program Contact

Highland Business Center
Office of Employment and Outreach Services
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas 78752

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