A Message from the Chancellor
Achieving equity at Austin Community College is an ethical and moral imperative that is fundamental to our mission. As the gateway to higher education and career training for Central Texas, we strive to expand access to opportunity, improve student outcomes, and transform lives. We succeed as a college when all students succeed.
Too often in higher education, we have broken processes that create barriers and get in the way of student success. Change begins with looking at our policies, practices, and strategic plans through an equity lens.
In 2016, ACC’s leadership team began an extraordinary journey. With the creation of the Office of Equity and Inclusion and guidance from our community partners, we set out to explore the meaning of equity and inclusion and began a dialogue about how the college could create a systemic culture in which everyone is welcomed, respected, supported, and valued.
Through a series of courageous conversations and ongoing training, we are learning how better to serve our historically underserved students and communities.
ACC values the strengthening aspects of diversity and inclusion and their role in helping to achieve equity. The college has developed the Equity Progress Report Assessment Guide to assist with strategic planning and reporting. It is our commitment to collect and disaggregate data for informed decision-making, redesign systems and processes to improve enrollment and completions rates, increase cultural proficiency across the college, and engage our many partners.
I want to thank those in the community who participate in these courageous conversations and work with us to transform hearts, minds, and beliefs. We share a vision to achieve equity on ACC campuses and in our communities. Together, we can (and will) ensure an environment that empowers people of all backgrounds to reach their academic and career goals.
Austin Community College has a passion and desire to make a difference. We are committed to making improvements for our students that will lead to equity in enrollment, persistence, and complete.
Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center
ACC is one of 10 institutions nationwide selected to serve as a site for a Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center. Formed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), TRHT Campus Centers are part of a multi-year initiative to educate, prepare, and inspire the next generation of leaders to break down racial hierarchies. ACC is honored to be the only Texas institution and the only community college selected. Learn more >
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